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    How can I change the Telephone Book character set? I need UTF-8 to store greek characters. Do you have any idea of the database kind that the telephone book is stored? ---Google German Translation--- Wie kann ich das Telefonbuch Zeichensatz? Ich brauche UTF-8 zu griechischen Zeichen zu...
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    English firmware for german boxes

    Tar error message Having found the 7050 english firmware I tried to modify it, without the HAND script, in order to install it in a german-speaking FritzBox. My idea was to untar the image, replace the "install" file at ./var in the any_english_firmware.image with an "install" file from a...
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    English firmware for german boxes

    The reason of the error is stored at "/var/tmp/install_error.log". So, complete all steps, enter 'cat /var/tmp/install_error.log' at the telnet prompt and copy-n-paste this output here. GeoNolis
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    7050 English Firmware EUREKA! I have just found the latest english firmware for 7050 in a file named: "7050 annex bfirmware-avme-en-14.04.03-3499.image" at the Greek adsl forum. The user who has posted the image writes that it was e-mailed to him by the greek AVM agent. You can find the...
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    English firmware for german boxes

    7050 English Firmware EUREKA! :D I have just found the latest english firmware for 7050 in a file named: "7050 annex bfirmware-avme-en-14.04.03-3499.image" at the Greek adsl forum. The user who has posted the image writes that it was e-mailed to him by the greek AVM agent. You can find the...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Because at you can buy the german Fritz!box Fon Wlan 7050 at 120-130 euro (new - "buy it now") or even less: 80-90 euro (new - auction price) ! The official price for the equivalent international model in Greece is 250 euro!! By the way, how much did you pay for your...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    I have found Version 14.03.89 but there was no avme/en inside. Still searching. Click here.
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    I' ve got my 7050 at ...www . ebay . de Just click my 7140 search.
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    First of all, let us make clear that there are english/international firmwares with version numbers earlier than 14.04.01 (example: 14.03.91). Searching on the net I have found this: That is: "In order to change the branding to 'AVME' and be able to install international firmwares, downgrade...
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    If possible convert WLAN 7050 german to International English (AnnexB)?

    Could you provide us with instructions about using tftp ? In English or in German or any link to a relevant page? Thanks
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    English firmware? Great minds, great ideas ... Thank you for the information I have been looking for. I also have the Fritz!Box Fon Wlan 7050 - German - Annex B and I want to have the English Web interface. I am ready to try, but... where can I find the english/ international firmware...
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