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    [Info] Fritz!Box Fon WLAN 7270 Firmware Version v2/3 xx.06.05

    I was wondering the same. This firmware update is very important because introduced (atm for german boxes only) the possibility to personalize the music on hold and directly from web interface, a long awaited and an essential feature... Does anyone know whether they are working on implementing...
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    Jtag pinouts for 7270v3?

    Before beginning to use the jtag I decided to check again the pcb of box and since I've got another working v3 I compared them noticing two things: 1) the pcb of the "bricked" box is hot, almost untouchable. The working one is very warm but not untouchable. 2) on the working box, on all the...
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    Jtag pinouts for 7270v3?

    Thank you, I'll try and I'll let you know :)
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    Jtag pinouts for 7270v3?

    So summarizing I have to connect: tdi, tms, tck, tdo, gnd, my n_srst to RST on the box, my n_trst to trst on the box + 100ohm to 3v3, and 100ohm from c_trst on the box (pin 16) to 3V3. Is it right?
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    Jtag pinouts for 7270v3?

    First of all thank you very much for your kind help. This is my Jtag, although I bought v2 version. I thought to use it in buffered mode for wireless routers (config for tjtag software). Following this scheme on my Jtag I've got: gnd, n_srst, tms, tck, tdi, n_trst, dint, tdo. So I was...
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    Jtag pinouts for 7270v3?

    Thank you guys for your reply. Unfortunately those links show only general information about jtag pinouts to connect to the board of the router, but they don't show which of those 2x14 pads on the board of my box is TDO, which is TDI, TMS, TCK, cTrst, Gnd and so on. And how many of them I should...
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    Jtag pinouts for 7270v3?

    Ok, I attached the box to power supply and I used a multimeter to check shorts and voltages so here are my findings. Would you help me to identify pins of jtag?
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    Jtag pinouts for 7270v3?

    Hi guys, my 7270v3 suddenly couldn't boot anymore. After a couple of seconds of power led blinking, instead proceeding with normal boot, 4 leds turn permanently on and dim (power, 2nd festnetz, wlan and info) and the box is unreachable and unusable. No ftpworking and no detection by the pc...
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    [HowTo] 7270v3: Ist es möglich, einen aktiven Anruf von ISDN-Übertragung auf analoge ext?

    Ich kann keine aktive Anruf von einem ISDN-Telefon an einen analogen oder IP sein. Anstelle von analogen zu ISDN es funktioniert. Ich versuche Folgendes: 1) einen Anruf aus dem ISDN-Telefon 2) Drücken Sie R ** 1 an den analogen Anruf 3) von analogen zu beantworten und im Gespräch mit Telefon...
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    [HowTo] 7270: Voice message for calls on hold... not customizable?

    Hallo, sorry for english language but unfortunately I do not speak german. I hope this english post won't be a problem... I have a 7270v3, german to international, firmware 74.04.90. And I have 2 questions whose answers I haven't found yet . 1) I was wondering if there is a solution to change...
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    TrayMessage: Anzeige eingehender Anrufe ohne Firmware-Mod.

    I used the new server. After I choose the mods, I cannot download the new built pseudoimage. Here is the error I get (I tried with both IE6 and7).
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    TrayMessage: Anzeige eingehender Anrufe ohne Firmware-Mod.

    Hello, I cannot download the pseudoimage, any problem in the website?
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    14.04.26 english for annexB onto a 7050 avm german annexB 20002314?

    My 7050 is a 20002314 7050 avm german annexB with the 14.04.25 firm and patched to annexA. The question is: can I flash my fritz with this new english firmware since it's built for an annexB? Or I'm doomed to have forever german firmware even if the new english ones are for annexB as well??
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    7050, electric scheme and dsl components(resistors and capacitors)

    Hello, I have a 7050 annex B to annex A. After the patch it can get the signal, but the connection is not yet good enough. So I just wanted to change the electric components (resistors and capacitors) just to make it identical to an annex A native. Here is the image of an annex B native: And...
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    What phonecode to disable/enable a SIP account?

    It's not good... I need to disable the registration to a specific account. Accounts are saved in the internettelefonie list, if it's marked it's enabled, otherwise it's stored but not enabled, and therefore it doesn't get a registration. I don't need to choose a specific provider for outgoing...
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    What phonecode to disable/enable a SIP account?

    I would like to enable/disable a sip account (one of those that can be selected by *12?#) without accessing the webserver of 7050 and marking/unmarking the box, but only dialing a phonecode. Which is the code?
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    Can I install this firmware on my 7050 annexB patched to annexA?
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    WiFi client on 7050... possible?

    It would be great to use the wlan of the box just to join another wlan without having a wifi card...
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