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    SSH/Telnet to Fritzbox 5491

    Thanks! I still have Shell-In-A-Box installed on the 5491, so if you need anything to check out, I can do it.
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    SSH/Telnet to Fritzbox 5491

    @PeterPawn I succeeded! But not with getting into the SFP - that proved to be a bit more difficult for my level of knowledge :) So I got another idea: What if I just replayed the TCP packets that Fritzbox sends to the SFP module? I opened the Fritzbox WAN tcpdump (which I got at...
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    SSH/Telnet to Fritzbox 5491

    Thanks mate for the exhaustive set of instructions on the matter, this was quite frustrating for me as I was without any "next steps", and now you've cleared the roadblock so I can continue :) I ran the eva_discover on Arch Linux (not a virtual machine, so "serious enough" haha) and I did get a...
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    SSH/Telnet to Fritzbox 5491

    Hi - I, unfortunately, don't speak German, but a lot of my Google searches resulted linking to this forum, so I figured I'd register and ask anyway! But before I ask, some context: About a month ago, I received a fiber optic (GPON) connection to the home and along with it, a Fritzbox 5491. As I...
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