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    [Problem] FritzBox 7360 nach Recover ohne Funktion, nur Power LED dauerhaft an

    This procedure is useful for groped to recover a Fritzbox 7360 Art num 2000 2522 stuck to the boot as a result of a recovery not compatible. This procedure is used to write a bootloader compatible in order to restore the full functionality of the fritz. Starting from the fritz stuck at boot...
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    [Problem] FritzBox 7360 nach Recover ohne Funktion, nur Power LED dauerhaft an

    To update to 6.52 i follow the classical step, change the firmware_version to avme and firmware_info to 124.06.01 (in ftp, that to use international recovery 6.30) then in webif update to 6.52 with file .image, obviously that before to do that i'm wait that the fritz boot up correctly with...
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    [Problem] FritzBox 7360 nach Recover ohne Funktion, nur Power LED dauerhaft an

    Sorry, you are right, for describe in little words i have lost something. I can cofirm that now run correctly a firmware 124.06.52. i tried some feature and seems to be all ok without problem. One thing that in the internet conenction don't appear the possibility of wifi provider but i don't...
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    [Problem] FritzBox 7360 nach Recover ohne Funktion, nur Power LED dauerhaft an

    You probably right, but can you explan why if i recover a fritz with a official 6.50, the bootloader change to newer version and then the fritz is locked to eva? I have write to avm and they also has some doubt on model. First they say me is a v1, then i've rewrite to show the fact and they say...
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    [Problem] FritzBox 7360 nach Recover ohne Funktion, nur Power LED dauerhaft an

    Hi to all. I've solved the problem. Recovered and modify to international and all ok. I explain. The artikell num 2000 2522 seem to be a hybrid version. Has hardware and boot of 7360V1 but can recive a firmware of V2, but NOT recovery with file over 6.30, because on the recovery 6.50 de and 6.52...
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    [Problem] FritzBox 7360 nach Recover ohne Funktion, nur Power LED dauerhaft an

    Thanks a lot for your support. I've just ask the bill at seller but after a feedback (positive) it's vanished. Without the bill no support hardwrae from avm.
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    [Problem] FritzBox 7360 nach Recover ohne Funktion, nur Power LED dauerhaft an

    So, what i can do now? With serial consol can i made somthing useful? How can i know wich recoer contain a bootloader? For example, if i try to open a recovery 6.30 (de or int) with 7zip i found a file named .data that is openable too with 7zip and found a structure complete of kernel.image...
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    [Problem] FritzBox 7360 nach Recover ohne Funktion, nur Power LED dauerhaft an

    Thank you for reply, The enviroment i've get from ftp with get env in binary mode. What i've posted above is a first extraction after damage. No, i haven't a back up of a mtd or best of bootloader. I stupidly think that at today the change of a country and a firmware was a most simply. I buyed...
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    [Problem] FritzBox 7360 nach Recover ohne Funktion, nur Power LED dauerhaft an

    Goodmorning, sorry if i wrote in english and for my english too. I have the same problem of Camel. I have a fritz 7360 artikel num 2000 2522. I've buy this fritz like used. Is nativally DE. The fritz at first boot was ok in DE, after that i've try to convert to international with ftp_uploader...
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