
  1. M

    USB Treiber

    Found the problem: I was using the english utility DP-L10 and trhat was wrong. I just installed thre TC300 utility 3 and it is working
  2. M

    USB Treiber

    Still looking for driver I am able to use SIP settings of SFR-Neufbox (= wengo)(France) and it works. I dont't find the drivers i need on siparladi. I find Pirelli DP-L10 Firmware,Guide and utility v 3.99d, but no usb drivers
  3. M

    USB Treiber

    Thank you Thank you very much for such a quick response in english. I can understand german,but difficult to write. S/W version D 910.0.3.63 FFS version FS_D910.0.2.60_DTC B/C version BC_D910.0.16 I will try today to fix the problem. Many greetings Marc
  4. M

    USB Treiber

    utility not working I have a TC 300( from internet) Unable to make connection with laptop( windows xp) I dont have installation CD Usb driver ok ( from silabs ) PC utility from siplardi Problem: Start utility : ok Click connection Check handset code : 0000 ok Phone not...
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