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    Annex A im und fürs Ausland einrichten.

    For just DSL you can plug the usual English broadband cable (RJ11) into the DSL socket of 7170. You do not need the Y-cable for that. If you need to plug the analog line, this is more complicated since it uses the same socket. My broadband setup is too involved to be a useful example...
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    Annex A im und fürs Ausland einrichten.

    Hi, Perhaps the following could be of help to some of you as it helped to me. Recently I've got 7170 and was able to switch to annex A using telnet as described here: However I was not satisfied with the speed. I have an...
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    Converting a German targeted Fritz!Box Fon Wlan to an International version

    Hi, I have successfully converted my german Fritz Box Fon Wlan 7050 to 14.4.20 international (annex A), thanks to the suggestion of sikubax. Perhaps my experience might be of some help to someone: 1. first I recovered the original firmware using the recovery tool from the supplied cd (in my...
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