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    [Info] change 7390

    Big My apologies I do not know English at all I use google transaltor Therefore, it is very difficult for me to find the exact instructions The more I am grateful for the help Best Regards you can delete the thread close
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    [Info] change 7390

    Thank you very much for your help
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    [Info] change 7390

    HI, how to change the default IP network address another eg: or different 7390 European version firmware FRITZ! OS installed: 06.20
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    [Problem] Freetbox 7390 + openvpn

    Hi Max Muster, If You can do it for me by TeamViewer I would be grateful, because I try to go step by step, as You write but i am to weak, I think. and I did not finish the process so it still doesn't work.
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    [Problem] Freetbox 7390 + openvpn

    Hi again, I still have the same problem with my router. And I am desperate to fix it. As i wrote before, I pay for this job even ¤50. Best Regards.
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    [Problem] Freetbox 7390 + openvpn

    Hi, I am looking for somebody who can configure my router fritzbox+openvpn by teamviewer. I'll pay for this service. I have no idea how do it, that why i ask you help me. Hallo, ich suche nach einer Person, die mir mein Router fritzbox 7390 + openvpn konfiguriert. Ich zahle für diesen...
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    [Problem] Freetbox 7390 + openvpn

    It's like I have a show with what software I use?
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    [Problem] Freetbox 7390 + openvpn

    Hi, I have software to Freetbox 7390 with openvpn but it does not work correctly as it should. Problem is with DNS, I don't have an access to internet, but I can use my VOIP after change to IP unfortunatley nothing more than Voip does not working. If i want...
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