
  1. D

    7050 recovery problem [English]

    I realised my mistake. I had my windows firewall on while the antivirus firewall was off. Does it means that windows firewall does not block ftp connection but blocks the connection to the recovery program? After turning off both firewalls I could connect using recovery program. But here...
  2. D

    7050 recovery problem [English]

    @informerex Yes, I tried ruKernelTool also with both xx.04.33 and xx.04.50. It failed to detect the adam2 ftp. With xx.04.26 it does not work. I used Windoze and Linux. In both cases I can connect using ftp. That means adam2 with new mtd2.bin may be working. But the recovery program and...
  3. D

    7050 recovery problem [English]

    Hi, I too am facing problems with 7050 downgrading after following the process described in I was having 14.04.31 German Annex B firmware which I wanted to downgrade and convert to English Annex A. Everything went well with tftp and replacing the mtdblock3 with...
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