
  1. G

    [Gelöst] eva_to_memory failing for 7530

    Yes! This worked! Thanks so much!
  2. G

    [Gelöst] eva_to_memory failing for 7530

    Hello again, I was a little quick to assume success the last time. I repeated the recovery process on a Windows machine this time. Here's the resulting pcap: Thanks again for taking the time to review this! BR, George ### Zusammenführung...
  3. G

    [Gelöst] eva_to_memory failing for 7530

    Thanks for the reply! I've made the capture using the recovery tool under wine, which failed, but I believe the initial steps in the ftp transfer are included in the capture file. One thing I noticed is the use of the "STOR mtdnand" command instead of mtdram. Could this be related? Or is it a...
  4. G

    [Gelöst] eva_to_memory failing for 7530

    Hello all, I've been trying to convert a German Fritzbox 7530 to international, but uploading the in-memory image seems to fail using eva_to_memory. More specifically, the process seems to start successfully: ~/avm/YourFritz/eva_tools $ ./eva_to_memory...
  5. G

    [Frage] Fritz!Box 7530 fwmod firmware unpacking

    I repeated the procedure under ~/avm/freetz and it seems to have worked! Thanks for the hint. Will post here the results :-)
  6. G

    [Frage] Fritz!Box 7530 fwmod firmware unpacking

    Hello, I'm guessing you're asking if I run make menuconfig first, which I did. There is a .config file under ~/avm/freetz, and the unpacked image is under ~/avm/image/unpack.
  7. G

    [Frage] Fritz!Box 7530 fwmod firmware unpacking

    So I'm able to unpack successfully using latest git master, but repacking seems to fail: ~/avm/image $ ../freetz/fwmod -p -d unpack ~/Downloads/FRITZ.Box_7530.en-de-es-it-fr-pl-nl.164.07.02.image detected firmware 7530_en-de-es-fr-it-nl-pl 164.07.02 rev62314 (16.10.2018 17:51:45) STEP 3: PACK...
  8. G

    [Frage] Fritz!Box 7530 fwmod firmware unpacking

    Thanks! That's good to know. I'll wait for 7530/4040 preliminary support and try my luck then...
  9. G

    [Frage] Fritz!Box 7530 fwmod firmware unpacking

    Hello all, Is there any way to unpack firmware intended for FB7530? I know it's not supported by freetz currently, but I tried to unpack anyway (with config for 7590, which I now know is quite different despite having similar specs). I really need to install the international firmware on the...
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