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    Freetz für AVM DVB-C Repeater verfügbar?

    @PeterPawn Thank you suggestion but unfortunately I can't find where to put this file (I can't find anything with such name after the image built for 7.27 1750E in freetz-ng): freetz@freetz:~/freetz-ng$ find ./ -name "avm_kernel_config_area*" freetz@freetz:~/freetz-ng$ I've set...
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    Freetz für AVM DVB-C Repeater verfügbar?

    Hi @PeterPawn, Many thx for such detailed instruction. Please find attached avm_kernel_config_area files from both firmware for DVB-C I have - 7.01 release and 7.08 beta. And they differs. I recall you said they should be equal for each device? What should I do next and which of both files...
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    Freetz für AVM DVB-C Repeater verfügbar?

    Sorry, busy at work. I tried your script on kernel.image and got: freetz@freetz:~/YourFritz/avm_kernel_config$ ./ <~/freetz-ng/var/tmp/kernel.image ./ 106: Bad substitution ./ 107: Bad substitution ./ 106: Bad...
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    Freetz für AVM DVB-C Repeater verfügbar?

    freetz@freetz:~/freetz-ng$ grep -r 'FREETZ_AVM_PROP_KERNEL_CONFIG_AREA_SIZE_0' ./ ./DVB-c-Alien1750E_07.27.all_freetz-ng-18484-4ae9ecb5e_20210805-193049/etc/.config:FREETZ_AVM_PROP_KERNEL_CONFIG_AREA_SIZE_0=y ./make/linux/ ($(strip $(FREETZ_AVM_PROP_KERNEL_CONFIG_AREA_SIZE_0)),y)...
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    Freetz für AVM DVB-C Repeater verfügbar?

    Ok, I've built the 7.0x firmware for DVB-C inside the freetz-ng and it worked! W/o avm_kernel_config. Maybe older Freetz!Wlan don't use avm_kernel_config? Thx, I've clean and distclean and running fmake now for the original DVB-C 7.0X. I've enabled ssh access and tried to use your...
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    Freetz für AVM DVB-C Repeater verfügbar?

    Ok, there are indeed no files with names pattern like below (I've made distclean so the only kernel sources were used are ref-qca955x-1750_07.01): freetz@freetz:~/freetz-ng$ find ./ -name "avm_kernel_config_area*" freetz@freetz:~/freetz-ng$ Ok, I will run it one more time with fmake.
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    Freetz für AVM DVB-C Repeater verfügbar?

    freetz@freetz:~/freetz-ng$ grep -r DL_SOURCE_ID ./ ./make/ DL_SOURCE_ID=$(shell echo $(DL_SOURCE_LOCAL) | tools/imagename2id) ./make/linux/$(AVM_KERNEL_CONFIG_DIR)/avm_kernel_config_area.$(DL_SOURCE_ID).bin: $(DL_FW_DIR)/$(DL_SOURCE_LOCAL) |...
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    Freetz für AVM DVB-C Repeater verfügbar?

    Indeed I can't communicate in German unfortunately and using google translate bring more questions when translating your # 24 post. Also I am not strong in programming and kernel structure understanding so this avm_kernel_config thingy is still not clear for me. If avm_kernel_config is not part...
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    Freetz für AVM DVB-C Repeater verfügbar?

    Please see my last comments - I built the kernel out of 1750E sources with applied dtsi patch. Didn't work. :(
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    Freetz für AVM DVB-C Repeater verfügbar?

    HI All, Sorry for writing in English but I have the same issue with 7.27 firmware I built for dvb-c. I already commented in but maybe you have some more advices: "I updated the alien patch with both recommendations from this thread. Please find...
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