HELP FB7270 - 3rd ATM (Vpi Vci) Bridged to DSL for IPTV

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27 Aug 2009
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Hi all

I need help to get my IPTV service on FB 7270. I need to set 3rd VPI VCI settings on the box and to bridge it to my DSL internet connection.

Problem : My provider, croatian T- Com is giving the 3play service and it work with preconfigured routers supplied by t-com.

Their routers ( Gigaset sx763, Gigaset SE 555, Speedtouch 780WL) are preconfigured in such way that normal dsl connection goes trough VPI/VCI 0.33, and they created two more - Voip VPI/VCI 0.50 and IPTV VPI/VCI 0.40.
Routers have 4 ethernet ports, but ports 1 and 2 are bind to internet connection (0.33) and ports 3 and 4 are bind to IPTV ( 0.40)

At the moment FB 7270 is connected to Siemens router over LAN 1 - and make it own connection over pass trough settings.

Problem is in network prioritization - QOS becouse I don't use provider's VOIP becouse I set my own ofer Fritz.

I know that this must be possible becouse when I enter pocket tracing on fritz web interface I see that I can trace DSL vci 1 , Voip vci 2 , and also VCI 3 and VCI 4.

Thus I know this must be possible over Telnet to configure.

On Speedtouch which is also Linux based router this can be easily configured by making new atm setting bridged to DSL, than making new VCI VPI setting and bind it to the new ATM that I created.

I can post set of comand to do so on speed touch router so maybe someone can help me out to instruct me on set of commands to input in fritz box telnet.

Little Extra :
- now on siemens router if I want to watch TV on PC I must connect PC to port 3 or 4 on the router,, and than no connection to the internet is possible. I hope That this can be set up little diffrent in the fritzbox...becouse I know exactly how IPTV connects...
for example IPTV connects trought 224.1.1. port 30001 to see channel 1 on i can set some rules that when someone try to connect this that it goes trough VCI for IPTV.

Thank In forward for your help.
I am not good with linux , but am perfectly fine with dos commands so you know how to instruct me.
?? please help, i cannot set my tv and voip together
If noone has an idea to solve your problem it doesn't matter how often you ask for a result. I think someone has posted something needful if there is some.
I have the same problem, but I do not know how to setup IPTV port over telnet. Please help us my german friends!:groesste:
I need to know your settings you use.

You write:

"On Speedtouch which is also Linux based router this can be easily configured by making new atm setting bridged to DSL, than making new VCI VPI setting and bind it to the new ATM that I created."

Then please post sceenshots of the settings you make on the Speedtouch.

The same settings should be possible on the AVM router.

"Internet VPI 0 VCI 33, Voip VPI 0 VCI 50 and IPTV VPI 0 VCI 40
Routers have 4 ethernet ports, ports 1 and 2 are bind to internet connection (VPI 0 VCI 33) and ports 3 and 4 are bind to IPTV ( PTV VPI 0 VCI 40)"

Are there any VLANs in use?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Here is config of my IPTV provider for IPTV and ADSL:

Internet - Router mode
Wan IP adress=Obtain an IP adress automatically

T-Com MaxTv – IPTV
VPI - 0
VCI - 40
Virtual Circuit - enabled
WAN Setting - bridge mode
Connection Type - 1483 Bridged IP LLC
Service category - VBR-nrt

I done this on fritzbox 7270 config but I don't know on which LAN port is that aplied

vccs {
VPI = 0;
VCI = 33;
traffic_class = atm_traffic_class_UBR;
pcr = 0;
scr = 0;
priority = 0;
dsl_encap = dslencap_pppoe;
ipbridgeing = no;
ipbridgeing_igmp = no;
pppoeforwarding = no;
connections = "internet", "voip";
} {
VPI = 0;
VCI = 40;
traffic_class = atm_traffic_class_VBR;
pcr = 1200;
scr = 600;
priority = 1;
dsl_encap = dslencap_pppoe;
ipbridgeing = yes;
ipbridgeing_igmp = yes;
pppoeforwarding = no;
connections = "iptv";

Config of speedtouch made by our friends in Croatia from this site manual

Here it is and works,

(All commands entered are after the prompt “{admin}=>:” )

Log into the CLI interface – telnet
Username : administrator
Password : !M1PhoIAD2

2) List the atm interfaces.
{admin}=>:atm iflist
atm_Internet: dest : pvc_Internet
Retry : 10 QoS : default Encaps : llc Fcs : disabled Ulp : mac
Connection State : connected

3) Add a new ATM interface called TCOM_IPTV
{admin}=>:atm ifadd intf = TCOM_IPTV

4) Verify that the new ATM interface is added
{admin}=>:atm iflist
atm_Internet: dest : pvc_Internet
Retry : 10 QoS : default Encaps : llc Fcs : disabled Ulp : mac
Connection State : connected

TCOM_IPTV : dest : (none)
Retry : 10 QoS : default Encaps : llc Fcs : disabled Ulp : ip
Connection State : not-connected

5) Add a new phonebook entry for VPI=0 VCI=40
{admin}=>:atm phonebook add name=atm_pvc_0_40 addr=0.40

6) Verify that the new phonebook entry is added
{admin}=>:atm phonebook list
Name Use Address
pvc_Internet 1 0.33
atm_pvc_0_40 0 0.40

7) Configure the TCOM_IPTV ATM interface
{admin}=>:atm ifconfig intf=TCOM_IPTV dest=atm_pvc_0_40 encaps=llc ulp=mac
8) Attach and connect the ATM interface
{admin}=>:atm ifattach intf=TCOM_IPTV
9) Create a new bridge interface
{admin}=>:eth bridge ifadd intf=IPTV
10) Configure the bridge to TCOM_IPTV ensure multicast filter is disabled.
{admin}=>:eth bridge ifconfig intf=IPTV dest=TCOM_IPTV mcastfilter=disabled
11) Attach the bridge connection
{admin}=>:eth bridge ifattach intf=IPTV
12) Save the configuration to flash (default filename= user.ini)
{admin}=>:config save
filename = user.ini

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