provisioning on TARGA DIP PHONE 450


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15 Aug 2007
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Hallo zusammen.

Ich spreche wenig deutsch... englisch ist besser!

I bought the telephone in LIDL 2 days ago at 60 euros, I think it was fair price.

I tried to configure in my country but the provider only configure the VOIP service with "provisioning".
The targa DIP phone 450 as I saw don´t support provisioning. And the people from this provider doesn´t have the will to send the parameters and let the user configure by themselves. I want to have a DID (people calling locally in chile then redirectiones to Germany) but only this local provider have this service.

Any suggestions? Or simply I have to buy a device with "provisioning"??

Support site: 450&artpic=DIP_phone450.jpg&serial=&func1=2

Firmware version: 010630000000 / 038.00
EEPROM version
Hi gugo,

the Gigaset C450 IP / TARGA DIP PHONE 450 supports provisioning as well, but to this the Gigaset has to be recognized by the VoIP provider. As far as I can see Redvoiss only support their own equipment and it is not for sure that they use SIP.
I think there is only a little / no chance to get the Gigaset working with a Redvoiss Account.

Thanks for your fast response.

Where can I add the server of redvoiss and then configure the provisioning?

For example the typical Linksys PAP2 have a place in their software that say "provisioning".

How can I enable that in the Targa - siemens gigaset telephone?
Is there a way to retrieve a provisioning-file for another phone or adapter they support? In most cases you should be able to open the file with a text editor and get the needed data from there.
As I saw is this one, but you need some kind of password.$MA.cfg

Other server I see:
They ask for some authetication key.

Are you sure the provisioning file is readable and not binary?

Thanks a lot for the info.
Hi gugo,

sorry, but that was a missunderstanding. I am not familiar with that kind of provisioning you are writing about. I thought more off auto provisioning systems like TR-64 or TR-69 without customer interaction.

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