How to reject unbekannt calls, but ONLY from festnezt?


Mitglied seit
4 Jan 2006
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I have established the rule you find in the attached pic. With this rule simply the fritz!box doesn't ring on anonymous calls, but the other telephones of the appartment do. This is what I want, my telephones are not plugged all at the box, and the box is in parallel with other phones and it manages just 3 phones on a part of the appartment.
I wanted to avoid the phones ringing on anonymous calls, and with this rule I reroute anonymous calls from festnetz to festnetz, and since the line is already occupied there's no trouble, simply the box doesn't make phones ringing.
But there is a problem, with sip anonymous calls it does't happen. With these calls I have a rerouting on festnezt since I cannot make a rule able to distingush unbekannt calls from sip and unbekannt calls from festnetz....
Is there a way to do not let the phones ringing on unbekannt festnetz call, but to DO LET THEM RING on unbekannt sip calls?


  • reroute.JPG
    59.3 KB · Aufrufe: 36
zooster schrieb:
Is there a way to do not let the phones ringing on unbekannt festnetz call, but to DO LET THEM RING on unbekannt sip calls?
You can use "Rufsperre" instead of "Rufunmleitung" to reject calls from "unbekannt festnetz".

Let's say your own Festnetz number is 12345, then you create a new "Rufsperre" for incoming calls ("einkommende Anrufe"). In the field "Rufnummer/Bereich" you enter "#12345" and all calls from unbekannt to your phone number 12345 will be rejected.

You can also reject certain callers if you enter "98765#12345". Then incoming calls from 98765 to your MSN 12345 will be rejected. "" in front of # stands for all calls from "unbekannt"
Thanks for the answer, but this is not a good way... In this way the box, if the call is anonymous, just opens the line and recloses it immediatly. I dont want this, I want the box just "ignoring" anonymous calls ONLY if from festnetz. The Rufsperre was ok, since the result was that phones don't ring on anonymous calls, and the line is not occupied at all, but... that works for every call...
Is it possible to establish that rufsperre rule, that behavior, only for festnetz??
A rerouting on the same festnetz number only for anonymous festnetz calls...?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
No I don't, only analogue...
In analogue telephone net it is not possible to reject a call. The only way is: Open the line and then immediatly close it.
You could program a Rufumleitung for anonymous calls to a FON connector which is not in use. I don't see any other possibilities.
The rule I've chosen in the attached picture is great, but too bad I can't choose between unbekannt sip and unbekannt festnetz. This is the only problem, damn....
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