BLF für Thomson 2030



Weiß jemand hier, ob/wann Thomson eine Firmware für das 2030 herausbringt, die die Funktion "Besetzlampenfeld" für die F-Tasten (die mit LED) unterstützt (so wie die SNOM-Endgeräte)?

Unter steht was von " BLF (Busy Lamp Field) indication. Buttons only work as speed dial buttons. (Available in 2/3 weeks)", aber der Eintrag ist schon älter (vor FW 1.41).

Die aktuelle FW 1.42 unterstützt BLF nicht. :heul:

Das ist in Planung, dauert aber noch eine Weile. Ein Termin dafür wurde noch nicht bekanntgegeben. Hängt wahrscheinlich mit der Implementierung der Erweiterungstastatur zusammen, die Ende April verfügbar werden soll.
foschi schrieb:
Buttons only work as speed dial buttons. (Available in 2/3 weeks)", aber der Eintrag ist schon älter (vor FW 1.41).
Die aktuelle FW 1.42 unterstützt BLF nicht. :heul:

As you can see in the current firmware (1.42) the preparations are being made. In the documentation the LINE/SUBSCRIBE options are already documented, they just can't be changed in the webinterface yet, so I guess it's going to be very soon now..

Somehow configuring the 2030 via AutoProvisioning is a lot easier/more versatile than working with the web interface. Would I be able to configure BLF in the config files somewhere?

(By the way: I don't mind posting in English, but the Forum language is German...).
Nach meinen Informationen soll man das BLF auch per Autoprovisioning einrichten können.
betateilchen schrieb:
Nach meinen Informationen soll man das BLF auch per Autoprovisioning einrichten können.
Welche Infos hast Du denn genau? Ist das in 1.42 irgendwie realisierbar? Wir haben hier diverse 2030 im Einsatz, und ich möchte so wie an unseren Snoms die BLF nutzen...

foschi schrieb:
Welche Infos hast Du denn genau? Ist das in 1.42 irgendwie realisierbar? Wir haben hier diverse 2030 im Einsatz, und ich möchte so wie an unseren Snoms die BLF nutzen...

I'm writing in English because I can't write in German.
In the APS parameters (look at new docs of 1.42) there's a setting: FeatureKeyExt01=S/<sip:210>

But this doesn't work yet for S (subscribing) yet. Only for Line.

Hi foschi,

there are indeed some news regarding the BLF on the Thomson 2030: first of all, I've been told by Thomson that it *is* possible to SUBSCRIBE the function keys to an extension in firmware 1.42. However, the function has not been officially released yet and I'm waiting for Thomson to provide some information on how to remove the "lock" that is currently preventing subscriptions on the function keys of the phone.

However, the keys on the extension module already work for SUBSCRIBE! To use the feature on our Asterisk 1.2.6 server, we added the following line to the auto-provisioning file:

FeatureKeyExt11=S/<sip:[email protected]>

This can also be configured through the web interface under Advanced -> Voice Settings -> Call Feature -> Function Key Table.

The phone will then send a subscription request to the server. Unfortunately, the request contains an "Accept: application/sdp" header which Asterisk does not like. As per RFC 4235, the subscriber MAY send an "Accept" header, but if it does, the header MUST contain a valid dialog event application type. "application/sdp" is not a valid dialog event application type. But the RFC is quite new and, if you look at Asterisk's chan_sip.c, you will see that the 2030 is not alone :D

Edit 2006-05-08: Asterisk is not RFC-compliant here as well. If the subscriber omits the "Accept" header, Asterisk returns a "489 bad event" instead of defaulting to "application/dialog-info+xml". The only safe way for the 2030 to send SUBSCRIBE requests would be to send an "Accept: application/dialog-info+xml" header.

So, you also have to apply the attached patch to Asterisk (against Asterisk 1.2.6) and then recompile and replace



  • chan_sip_thomson.diff.txt
    722 Bytes · Aufrufe: 176
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This is how the 10 built-in function keys can be used for SUBSCRIBE:

By default, the function keys are configured as "line" keys. That means that you can assign a "line" that is attached to your own phone to those keys. The phone will ring and the blinking key will indicate the receiving "line". To use the key for SUBSCRIBE, you have to tell the phone that the key is no "line" key anymore.

This is being achived by modifying the "Multiline" value in the web interface under Advanced -> Voice Settings -> Advanced. The corresponding autoprivision parameter is


in the [sys] section of the autoprovisioning file.

The default value is 10, which means that all 10 keys are "line" keys. If you set it to 5, the first five keys will be "line" keys and the last five will be SUBSCRIBE keys. Since the telephone needs at least one "line" to receive calls, the value cannot be set to 0 (zero).

One more hint: once you have set the function key through the autoprovisioning file, the value will remain set even if you remove the line from the autoprovisioning file. So, you should always keep a set of empty "FeatureKeyExtXX=" lines if you want to prevent blinking "ghost" keys ;)

BLF with Thomson 2030


I'm writing in English, because my German is not so good. I read this thread regarding the BLF with Asterisk. Yesterday I got my first ST2030, and I configured it via the webinterface. But, as I want to deploy about 150 of these phones at a customersite, I want to use the APS (Provisioning) system. I've been trying all day to get this working, but to no avail.

Here's what happens so far:
I have a provisioning INF file (named ST2030S_v1.42.inf). The file has the following parameters:


As you can see, I also have a common file, and a telephone-file. When rebooting the phone, all the files are transfered to the phone. Also the file ST2030S_<MAC>.txt gets transfered to the phone. The phone reboots, and starts again to provision.

I have the phone-registration details entered in the ST2030S_<MAC>.txt file. However, the settings in this file aren't applied to the phone. The settings in the other files are. What am i missing here? Why won't the phone-specific-file be used?

Thank you all for reading and (hoping) answering this on!

voermans schrieb:
I have the phone-registration details entered in the ST2030S_<MAC>.txt file. However, the settings in this file aren't applied to the phone. The settings in the other files are. What am i missing here? Why won't the phone-specific-file be used?

First of all, make sure you read the APS PDF carefully, it's got useful info, the provisioning is not the same as I was used to with other phones.

Then, make sure you edit your ST2030S_<mac>.txt and place a serial number in it. That should be something in the form of:


If all fails, create this config, and erase your ST2030 to an empty state. It will then try to fetch it's config files and use the new serial number as starting number. (as of then, changing anything needs you incrementing the number)


Thank you for your answer. I thought I had read the manual carefully. This is my ST2030S_<MAC>.txt:


FeatureKeyExt09=S/<sip:[email protected]>
FeatureKeyExt10=L/<sip:[email protected]>
FeatureKeyExt11=L/<sip:[email protected]>

As you can see, I have written the config_sn, and, in case of changes, I add 1 to the config_sn. Next, I've rebooted the phone more than once to factory default settings. Every time, only the TELfile and the Common file gets loaded. Again, I can see the phone-specific file get uploaded to the phone. It just seems the phone doesn't do anything with it!?
voermans schrieb:

Make sure your config_sn is in the right format. It needs at least X digits. (it's stated somewhere in the manual)

Here's one that works for me :

So, the date format is right, but you need some extra digits in the end.

That did the trick!

Thank you very much!

I have one last question:

I'm using the internal built-in switch with VLAN's for my network. Voice VLAN is 2 and data VLAN is 1. In the common file I have the following settings (among others):



VLAN=2 states means Voice and Data VLAN. When first updating the phone it takes those values. However, when rebooting the phone again, without chaning the common file, the settings of the VLAN get lost! It sets itself again to VLAN=0 (which means no VLAN). I have to manually re-enter them in the phone, or rename the common file. Could this be a bug in the phone? Or am I again missing something?

BLF with Thomson 2030 -> BUG?


I now have a working ST2030, including BLF's (I have an extra extension module attached to my phone). I've programmed all 28 buttons as Subscription keys, and changed the asterisk chan_sip.c code as mentioned. Led's are blinking when a phone rings, en when the person answers the led lights up. But (!): as soon as i lift the handset of the phone, and then put it back on hook, all leds go out!!! Also, when a Led is lit, after a while (about 30 seconds) it automatically goes out. Even when the person is still calling on the phone?!

How is this possible?

Thomson ST-2030 - BLF Funktion

Hallo Jungs,

Ich bin in diesem Forum eine New-Entry.

Ich las bereits die Diskussion, die schon seit einigen Monaten nicht mehr aktualisiert wird.
So möchte ich meinen Beitrag geben, um ein gewisses Argument wieder aktuell zu machen.
Es geht um das in diesem Forum schon besprochene BLF.

Persönlich habe schon ziemlich viel Versuche durchgeführt, aber - leider - mit schlechtem Erfolg.
In diesem Forum sagt jemand, daß die Sache machbar ist, sogar mit der alten 1.42 Firmware.
Wenn ich aber richtig verstehe, muß man auf einige Funktionstasten verzichten. Hehol schrieb, daß man die Anzahl der als Line definierten Keys reduzieren soll, z.B. auf 5. So hat man (verstehe ich) 5 Keys als "Linie" und die restlichen 5 Keys als "Supervisor" definiert.

Wie soll das eigentlich funktionieren ??

Nehmen wir an, daß nach korrekter Konfiguration die Taste F6 als Supervisor vom internen Telefon Nr. 1 dient, dann leuchtet - bei besetztem Intern 1 - die Taste F6 ??
Das wäre nicht das Beste.... oder ?

Ich hab mir inzwischen die 1.50 Firmware 'runtergeladen und werde sie bald einspielen.

Ich möchte aber mit der BLF-Konfiguration keine grobe Fehler machen.

Fast hätte ich vergessen, eine wichtige Information zu geben: mein internes Telephonnetz wird vom TrixBox 1.2.3 betrieben.

Eine Hilfe seitlich den Deutschen Guru's wäre gerne angenommen...;)

Aldo (Italy)
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