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    easybell und faxen

    Hey hi, TIFF format significantly reduces file size without sacrificing quality, making it suitable for faxing documents like those requiring proof of delivery. On the other hand, for compressing jpeg images, you use any online application such as https://jpegcompressor.com/ it compresses jpeg...
  2. U

    Bootschleife mit einem Unify OpenStage 40 was als ip Phone für swyx genutzt wird im Firmlichen Netzbetrieb und über PoE angeschlossen ist

    Hey hi, it's stuck in a boot loop. It's likely a more technical issue related to the phone's firmware or hardware.
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    Much funniest:D:D
  4. U

    Yealink W90DM Unregistered Base

    Hey hi, please try resetting the base station and check it's connected to the network.
  5. U

    SIP-Provider als "Backup" gesucht

    Hey hi, please try to use SIP providers like Google Voice or VoIP.ms for backup telephony. These providers typically offer low-cost or pay as you go options, check you're not kicked out for inactivity.
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